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American scientists develop 4D cameras for robot vision

Source:Updated:2017-07-25 09:39:11

The first robot camera was developed by American researchers using light fields and algorithms. The single-lens camera can generate 4D images and capture nearly 140 degrees of information. The researchers think its performance is better than the imaging system currently provided for robot vision, and also for virtual reality and augmented reality. 
Robotics, such as unmanned vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicles, when they are on the move around different perspectives need to collect the information, in order to understand the characteristics of the surrounding environment, such as the different of the movement of objects and materials. The 4D camera, developed by researchers at Stanford university and the university of California, San Diego, can gather a lot of this information in an image. 
The next step is to develop a compact robot 4D camera. They think, small and light as well as the wide field, detailed information on the depth of field, these are the robots, unmanned driving cars, wearable devices and augmented reality, virtual reality ideal characteristics of the imaging system. 
The 4D camera can produce high quality close-up images, especially for robots traveling through narrow Spaces, drone landings and driverless cars. If augmented reality or virtual reality systems are equipped with this 4D camera, detailed depth of field information can help seamlessly render realistic scenarios, supporting better integration of real-world scenarios and virtual scenarios. 


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