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A new generation of industrial robots is quietly emerging, smaller, lighter and friendlier

Source:Updated:2017-06-28 09:05:03

According to the international federation of robotics and Loup Ventures, the industrial robot market will grow 175% in the next nine years as demand for new equipment increases. But the main driver of this growth is not the huge metal industrial weapons that have been spelt together for decades. 
A new generation of collaborative robots is emerging that are more collaborative, smaller and more insightful than conventional machines. By 2025, Loup Ventures will account for 34% of industrial robots, designed to help workers. 
A new generation of industrial robots is quietly emerging, smaller, lighter and friendlier 
Collaborative robots are smaller and have more sensors that make them more responsive and intelligent when approaching objects or humans. Most collaborative robots are also cheaper than traditional robots, ranging from $25,000 to $45,000, while each traditional "floor" robot can be as high as $100,000. A small medical device manufacturers may use smaller, cheaper collaboration robots to make some of the industry automation, the traditional industrial robots usually big, risk is high also so not be investment. 
Today, the world's automobile manufacturing robots account for most of the industrial robots. But as robots become lighter, cheaper and more friendly with humans, the market share of industrial robots will grow. Loup Ventures expects that robots to be used in electronics manufacturing in 2025 will be equal to the demand for robots that make cars. 
The global market for industrial robots is expected to reach $14 billion this year, more than 20 percent more than in 2016, according to the international federation of robotics and Loup Ventures. The global industrial robot market is valued at $12.3 billion in 2016, and the market for industrial robots is expected to reach $33.8 billion by 2025. The market value of industrial robots will triple in less than 10 years. 
Now the actual number of robots purchased in factories is actually much higher than before. In North America alone, in the first quarter of 2017, the number of robots bought by factories rose 32 percent from a year earlier. But the increase in robot sales does not mean that the market value of the industry will grow at the same rate, because the rise in sales is partly due to lower prices for robots. 


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