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Chinese manufacturing 2025 VS of German industry 4

Source:Updated:2015-04-02 15:41:55

Office of the State Council routine briefing held in March 27th policy, please development and Reform Commission deputy director of Lin Nianxiu, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Su Bo introduced the "CPC Central Committee and State Council on deepening the reform of institutional mechanisms to accelerate the implementation of innovation driven development strategy", "a number of opinions" about 2025 China manufacturing.
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Su Bo said, the German industrial 4 and "2025" the same China manufacturing is a new round of technological revolution and the industrial revolution of the main feature is the integration of information technology and manufacturing depth. Networking data revolution and energy, medical, manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, etc. based on the combination of the media, to produce new products, new formats, new models and new technology, will have a great influence in the industry. For example, mobile Internet, networking, cloud computing, big data, robots and other new generation of information technology has penetrated into all aspects of economic and social development, digital, networked and intelligent trend and the core of this reform is the manufacturing industry. At this point, "made in China" and 2025 4 German industry is in a new round of technological revolution and the industrial revolution background for the development of manufacturing industry is an important strategic move forward.
The difference lies in the following points: first, the German manufacturing industry has a strong technical foundation, so it directly the implementation of the industrial 4, fusion in two, to promote all aspects of the Internet + has the advantage in the information technology industry, and better. China is in the industrial 2, 3 and 4 at the same time to promote the situation, to achieve the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to us, to achieve leapfrog development in the field of high-end, task than the German industrial 4 is more complex, more difficult, but the same, the most important goal is the same, so we have a huge cooperation in space.
Su Bo said, "China 2025" strategic planning is not equal to the German industrial 4, the German industrial 4 is aimed at a new round of revolution of science and technology measures, "made in China" from the beginning to the end of 2025 through a deal with the new technological revolution, ideas and measures to promote the integration of information technology and industrialization, but it is not a plan for with a new round of revolution, it will take into account the huge size of the transformation of traditional industries upgrade, but also take into account our whole industry innovation capability, so we in the planning system, the future "China 2025", "1+X", will be devoted to the development of a German and 4 similar to implement our "China 2025" overall concept and principle of such a plan, such as intelligent manufacturing planning, or the integration of the two plan, the plan is to the German industrial 4 exactly the same. As well as promoting ways, we should from 2 to 4, 3 to promote, the task more difficult, but will eventually form. Both sides in the 4.

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